Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tugas I (Komunikasi Bisnis)

Mutiara Anggrayni
Business Communication

10 Kalimat Bisnis (English)
1.    He bid US $ 50.000 for the statue.
Bid = menawar
2.    The total cost of these goods is Rp 1.000.000,00
Total cost = total biaya
3.    The money capital for my company is big enough
Money capital = modal uang
4.    He reported the labor budget to the boss
Labor budget = anggaran tenaga kerja
5.    Be careful of what you buy on the black market, it’s not always good quality
Black market = pasar gelap (ilegal)
6.    That company join ownership last year
Join ownership = kepemilikan bersama
7.    She paid the ordering cost
Ordering cost = biaya pesanan
8.    I got too much interest from the bank
Interest = bank
9.    The company finally get the net income
Net income = laba bersih
10. As a businesswoman I have my own fixed cost for my company
Fixed cost = biaya tetap

10 Daftar Kata Kesepadanan (Indonesia – Inggris)
1.    Titik Impas = Break Even Point
2.    Rapat Tahunan Pemegang Saham = Annual Shareholder Meeting
3.    Pembaharuan Kesepakatan = Renewal Agreement
4.    Pembaharuan Kontrak = Renewal Contract
5.    Investasi Langsung = Direct Investment
6.    Perusahaan Kapital Terbesar dan Terkuat = Blue Chip Company
7.    Dana yang Dikelola Secara Aktif = Actively-Managed Funds
8.    Manufaktur dan Daftar Transaksi dan Penjualan = Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales
9.    Pengeluaran Modal = Capital Expenditure
10. Dana Jangka Panjang = Hedge Fund